After i posted my story about the people that impressed me the most 2 days ago, I realized that i forgot to mention another 2 people that have helped me soo many times; more than i could possibly remember.. They are:
Abang paan yg kiut miut sampai aku terpaksa cubit pipi dia.. (^_^) aku pelik mcmne boleh wujud manusia yg sanggup nak tlg guntingkan rambut org dengan senang hati tanpa mintak apa2 byrn.. tp mmg dia wujud.. he's a real person..hehe. even if i insisted to pay him, he'd insisted back.. kalo sape2 nk cari calon suami, carila org macam ni ek.. but sorry to inform all of u that paan dah pun berpunye.. kecewa kan?? haha
Sorg lg ialah abg ambe yg taf meletaf.. sape2 yg blm kenal lg abg ambe yg mane satu, tu ha yg tengah kira rectus abdominis dia ada berapa packs tu..hehe. Ambe ni, x berkira langsung pasal duit.. plus, he'd do anything i asked him to help me with.. very generous guy.. good news, he's still single!! ~ haha.. so girls out there, grab the opportunity while u still can!! LOL.. not to mention that there're some rumors on electing Ambe for the next Presiden of Perubatan after Wafi for his brilliant piece of brain + visions.. (nak melobi sebelum JPP thn dpn dilantik..kalo x dah xbleh melobi lg nnti).. so vote for Ambe next year, ok??
1 comment:
Alhamdulillah, Allah permudahkan urusan...dikelilingi oleh sahabat yang baik2..
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