Jan 8, 2009

Cairo International Book Fair

Alhamdulillah, seperti biasa bila tiba bulan 1 setiap tahun, ulat2 buku seluruh Mesir akan tak sabar2 menanti pembukaan Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kaherah yang setiap tahunnya pasti diadakan di Ardul Ma'aarid, Madinah Nasr.. Tahun ini, pesta buku tersebut akan bermula pada hari Rabu 21 Januari 2009 jam 9 pagi hinggalah hari Isnin 2 Febuari 2009 jam 9 malam.

Pintu masuk hadapan Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kaherah, terletak di Madinah Nasr.. Tiket masuk berharga LE1 setiap seorang.. Bayangkan kalau 1 hari ada sejuta org masuk x 13 hari = 13 juta genih?? huhu

Banner Book Fair kali ke-38.. tahun ni dah kali ke-41 dah..

Antara pemandangan di luar kedai2 buku..

Pemandangan di dalam salah satu dewan besar yang memuatkan beribu2 buah kitab..

Tengok la tu.. Ramainye org..


These are some facts / history about Cairo International Book Fair:

The Egyptian Book Association is main organizer of the fair. The Association is the main culture sponsor for books in Egypt and they invented the fair in 1969. The number of publishers participating and the number of guests who visit the fair every year makes it second only to the Frankfurt Book Fair.

The first book fair in 1969 came with the celebration of the 1,000th birthday of Cairo. The fair was a huge success. This is why the concept of making a new fair each year became so important. Afterwards, the fair became a major market for publishers. At first, it was only in Arabic, but later, publishers from all over the world started participating in the Book Fair.

In the last few years, the International Book Fair has included much more than books, such as videos, cassettes, CDs, electronic dictionaries and calculators. This year, there were some very interesting teaching toys for children as well. Science and cultural lectures, intellectual debates and poetry also took place at the fair, where many of the writers and readers met to exchange ideas and thoughts. The International Book Fair has become a major annual event in Egypt.

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