Mar 25, 2010

Eskimos can't be muslim?

Scenery at the North Pole


Everybody keeps saying that Islam, as a universal religion, is suitable for all people, regardless of their time, ethnic, and geographical factors.. But by merely claiming it, doesn't make it necessarily true, unless clear evidences and arguments are given.

One could ask, what about the Eskimos who live at the North Pole?

At the North Pole, the sun is permanently above the horizon during the summer months and permanently below the horizon during the winter months. So to put it in a simple term, people who live at the North Pole have several months of days without nights, and several months of nights without days, alternately..

So, if Islam truly is a universal religion, answer me these:

How do Eskimos perform ablution? As we know there's not much dust available around for them to do tayammum, and the water is freakin' cold.. Winter temperatures at the North Pole can range from about −43 °C to −26 °C, and summer temperatures average around the freezing point (0 °C).

How do Eskimos perform Solat? Or at least, solat at the preferred time, since prayer times are determined by the altitude of the sun throughout the day, accordingly.

How do Eskimos fast in Ramadhan? Since Muslims start to fast from sunrise to sunset everyday. But during the summer, daytime is 24 hours. One can't fast for several months straight now, can they?

If you were asked these kind of questions, what would you say?


Syaimaa' Ahmad said...

but I'd say
people can be a muslim in space (ISS)
so why can't people be a muslim here i.e on planet earth?

fArA jeFF said...

salamun alaik,

if they can afford to boil water to drink,y can't they prepare that too for ablution?i won't think they would drink ice cubes all the time,rite?

boleh ke b'tayammun kalo setiap inci muka bumi diorg ade ais?

it's da matter of willingness to-do je la kan...sebelum kristian ke sane,baik muslim cepat2 kibar panji~~

NEOFISHY said...

tanya kepada yg lebih arif, lagi senang dan pasti ada jalannya....tak begitu?

[amiza malik] said...

yezza abang effy.haha nice post btw tp kalau syeikh muzaffar leyh solat kat outer space, takkan yg atas bumi ni pun tableyh.

puasa kan boleh ikut jam.pernah dgr cara2 nk kira pukul brapa buka.haha kalau isu solat tu selesai, then waktu buka pose tadek mslh.

fiqh nieh

Syaimaa' Ahmad said...

haha.. jawapan kita serupa!

Effy Saiful said...

You guys are actually missing the point. It's not merely regarding the technical & fiqh issue i.e how to's..

It's the matter of the idea of the universal religion itself..

The answers u guys were giving are merely solutions, but does not proof that Islam is made-compatible religion for all humanity.

If Islam truly is a universal religion, it does not need any modifications to suit the lifestyles of people from different continents.

The already-made Islamic practices should be enough and applicable to all of them, be it Chinese, Arabs, Caucasians, Malays, Eskimos, not some other whole different thing.

[pretend this is coming from a non-muslim, not me]


Syaimaa' Ahmad said...


then how?

*cat got my tongue. bye!

dearieff said...

u kate,

"If Islam truly is a universal religion, it does not need any modifications to suit the lifestyles of people from different continents."

tapi..pada saya..

dgn modifikasi tu lah menjadikan islam ni satu agama yang universal..tnpa modifikasi ni..agama tu akan jadi satu perkara yang mmbebankan penganut.

Allah dah tahu dah suma keadaan makhluk die..sbb tu Allah mberi rukhsah pada hambaNya

satu soalan dr saya..

ape tujuan awk timbulkan isu ni..
kalau awk btul2 ingin tahu sya cadangkan awk tnya lah ust2 yang lebih arif dan letak skali jawapan disini.saya sebagai pembaca jg tertunggu2 jwpannya..

minta maaf jika ade terguris perasaan sesiapa..

-hanya mbri pendapat-

Effy Saiful said...

Sorry dearieff..

Sblm blog ini ditubuhkan, saya merupakan penggiat aktif dalam penulisan perbandingan agama..

jadi, persoalan2 lazim berkenaan agama islam yang ditibulkan oleh non-muslim sudah menjadi asam garam dalam bidang tersebut..

maka tujuan saya menulis post sebegini bukanlah untuk menyesatkan umat Islam (nauzubillah) tetapi ingin mencetus minda umat Islam untuk menjadi lebih kreatif dan bersedia untuk menghadapi serangan2 yang diutarakan oleh non muslim.

kerana umat islam zaman sekarang malas berfikir. Kebanyakannya menjadi islam kerana keturunan, dan tidak tahu menahu langsung tentang agama Islam, tetapi mengaku sayangkannya.

Harap saudara/i faham =)

Huda Saffry said...

Salam. Post yang menarik ni. Teringat masa sekolah budak kelas sy tye kat ustazah pasal benda. Dan seingat saya ustazah saya cakap, boleh je solat dan berpuasa kat kutub tu. Ikut kepada waktu dan masa tempat lain. Macam nk solat Zohor, solat dalam pukul 2ptg. Dan nk berwuduk pulak, salji pon boleh kan. Itu pon salah satu air mutlak. Wallahualam.