What's the main difference between the light from a light bulb and a laser beam? What gives laser the ability to cut through stuffs, from cornea to steel, but not ordinary light?
Focused & amplified.
Yes, that is the power of focusing. Similarly, if we want to be good in something we do, focus is a must.
A focused person is more determined and motivated, thus amplifying his ability and capability to succeed. But in order to be focused, we first have to eliminate all the external distractions.
Muslims are obliged to practice the focusing skill at least 5 times a day. Through meditation which our daily obligatory prayers provide, we repeatedly exercise our mind to repel all external thoughts that might interfere with the process of remembrance of Allah.
If we really make full use of this regimen which is provided for us, focusing on other worldly matters would be easier.
Quoting Brian Tracy, "The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire, not things we fear."
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