The word 'Allah' in Arabic, written on a watermelon..
A tree, resembling the word 'Allah' in Arabic..

The word 'Allah' in Arabic, written in a tomato..
I'm sure most of u are familiar with this kind of pictures.. Some might see it as a miracle from God, but some might just see this as a total coincidence..
This time, i'm writing not to deny any of those perceptions... But merely to shift your paradigm on how u look at this issue.. I mean, if this is a test on how true a religion is, what do u say about these:-
Jesus was spotted by Pittsburgh resident Jeffrey Rigo on June 11, 2005. Stepping out of the shower that day Rigo yelled, ‘Jesus Christ!' My girlfriend asked me, ‘Oh, my God, what is it?' I pointed and responded, ‘No, Jesus Christ!'” Rigo cut out the piece of plaster with the image on it and put it up on E-bay with the description “a section of plaster wall bearing the apparent face of the Son of God.” It sold for $1,999.99.
In 2008, an unexplained image in a hospital prayer garden window of Orlando, Florida, moved some people to tears and drew groups of people to a hallway before vanishing. A crowd inside the Florida Hospital Medical Complex snapped photos of the image apparently showing the profile of Jesus Christ crying.
This time, i'm writing not to deny any of those perceptions... But merely to shift your paradigm on how u look at this issue.. I mean, if this is a test on how true a religion is, what do u say about these:-
In 2004, a Florida woman made U$ 28,000 after selling a toasted cheese sandwich that appeared to show the face of the Virgin Mary on internet auction site eBay. She had kept the half-eaten snack for 10 years and said it was "miraculous" it had not shown any signs of mould or crumbling in that time.

So if images that resemble certain religions appearing anywhere are taken as a test whether it's is a true religion or not,
does this mean that Christianity is a true religion too??
Think about it..
So if images that resemble certain religions appearing anywhere are taken as a test whether it's is a true religion or not,
does this mean that Christianity is a true religion too??
Think about it..
most interesting post yet!
tahniah2~ totally impressed ;)
every religion has its miracles.
to know which is the true religion, we have to look somewhere else rather than only miracle.
on second thought, how do they know it's Jesus's face?
juz wanna know,what do u mean by 'true religion'?
if i'm not mistaken,there r 3 true religions in this world..
islam,christian n yahudi.
wallahu a'lam bissawab
no offense~
Chan: Yup,true that.. It takes a lot more than just certain words or images coming out of nowhere.. Anyway, i dunno how they know for sure h0w did Jesus look like.. but that's what they believe, and that's what appeared.. so for them, it's a miracle~
Umwirdani: True religion tu relative sbnrnye.. bagi kita, agama islam lah agama yg benar.. bagi org kristian, agama kristian la agama yg benar.. dan seterusnya..
and btw, how do u get the idea that there are 3 true religions in the world? does that mean that Christians n Jews are going to heaven too?
seandainya ada salah,sila betulkan.
berkaitan true religion,
-dlm quran ade sebut ttg 3 agama sahaja iaitu islam,nasrani(kristian) n yahudi(jews)
-kita pun tahu bahawa Allah menurunkan 4 kitabnya(al-Quran utk Islam,taurat utk Yahudi,injil utk Kristian n zabur sye x tahu.)
-mereka adalah true religion tp x semestinya dorg akan msuk syurga..
mcm org islam,sesetengah mereka menganut agama islam,tp kalo menyeleweng,msuk syurga gak ke?so,kite mmg dah nmpak kan yg agama kristian n yahudi ni dah diselewengkan bersama ngn ktab dorg pon diseleweng,dah xde la ahli kitab yg benar2 beriman ngn kitab mereka yg benar(injil n taurat)..tp,kalo ade ahli kitab yg msih beriman ngn kitab2 mereka yg belum diselewengkan,mereka msuk la syurga..rujuk surah ali imran,ayat 199(tp ade lg ke?)wallahu a'lam..
-'ala kulli hal, Allah dah bg kelebihan bg umat Islam,walaupun ade mereka yg menyeleweng,di akhir nti(selepas dihisab+kene seksa neraka) mereka akn msuk syurga juga..amiinn
pada org bese, mgkn akn tdetik kekeliruan dm ati.
mybe dorg pk,
"a'ah ek, cm btol jerk"
tp hkiktny,
adkh kekuasaan n khebtn Allah tuh hnye tltk pd nmeny yg wujud d objek ciptaanny?
mcm mne tmbikai tuh tjdk lbey hbt klu d pk kn..
xde org ley cpta tmbikai tp kite ley ukir nme Allah pd tmbikai.
& klu wjh2 tuh maujud,
tuh hnye sbb Allah nk kite pk.
"have fun at oddee.com"
aiseh die block lak bandwith die,
kene beiki cpt2 ni, sian kat org2 yg baru nk bace post ni =)
thanks jackster =) fixed!~
1st time kot komen kt sini effy.
hehe. aku xkan wat kontroversi.
aku janji. Panjang sket ek. Cam beser r.
Aku nak tambah sket,
if we wanna say eating pig would cause taenia solium infection,
so what if a chinese ask u, "Lembu kambing pon ala itu palasait, taenia saginata or multicep" aku bantai je ni, tak igt da. Tp ade 1 yg ade cyst tu kan?
It's not that science against islam, buat science is too young..
Contoh laen, ade sorg doktor lepasan azhar yg agak terkenal,
bg ceramah, ckp tgn kte ni ade garisan, tgn belah kiri garisan die mcm no arab 81 dan kanan 18.
tu maknenye, mengikut kajian (yg taktau betol or tak) katenye ade 81% enzyme kt tapak tangan kiri & 18% kt tapak tangan kanan...
Make katenye sunnah nabi makan tangan kanan, basuh berak tgn kiri.
Setakat yg aku buat research kt tenet, tak pnah plak aku jumpe fakta sains die ni. Tataula kalo ade.
Cube bygkan kalo dtg saintis kristian persoal fakta die ni, tak ke tergugat dakwah islam versi penerangan die.
Science is too young. for me la.
So the best way is, utk skang ni, kalo da tau diri yakin dgn Allah dan islam ni, buatlah syariat Allah tu tanpa pk ape ilah die.
Ade 1 gol. ulama dlm islam, namenye al-ra'iy, gol. yg lebihkan logik akal dlm membuat sstu hukum, gol. ni yg byk cipta usul feqah. Pusat die dlu kt iraq (kuffah)
Ade 1 lg gol. al hadits, gol. yg byk hafal hadis, pusat die kt madinah, sbb tu madinah digelar madarasah hadis. Gol. ni besenye dicop wahabi & amek zahir hadis je.
Mmg ade segelintir camtu. Tp ade je ulama2 dr aliran al hadits ni yg mengikut jgk kaedah2 feqah dlm mhukum & berijtihad.
Cumenye, aku nak ajak sahabat2 skalian semak balek. Sejarah gol2 ulama aku da bg scara ringkas, fakta2 sains yg doubtful aku da bagi. So fikirla, ape yg terbaik.
The appearance of Jesus or Mary is related to Islam too since Jesus is one of our prophets and Mary is his mother.
The appearance of Jesus or Mary is related to Islam too since Jesus is one of our prophets and Mary is his mother.
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